Tuesday, March 10, 2015

This Morning

Hi everyone !
We did this web site to say and tell your boring life at school so here is mine !

This morning I woke up at 7.30 h, dressed up, and... slept again... It is very strange because when you close your eyes for 2min and it is 7.00 h you open your eyes and it is 7.08 h but then when you are at school if you close your eyes and it is 8.00 h you open your eyes again and it is still 8.00 !

Well let's continue ! After I woke up from my second sleep, there was no time to eat well okay I will eat in the car... you know sometimes you have a limited quantity of food well in the car you have only a limited quantity of time ! Only the time from your house to the school (and mine is not very long).

After arriving at school class time... well this morning this is my first class thinking how much time I have until the weekend so 24h for one day , we are Tuesday so only 4 days of school so 24 x 4 = I don't wanna do maths ! After thinking how many days till my only day of vacation in the month : March 20th and we are... Oh yeah I see it under my computer... the March 10th ! Okay this is easy... only 10 days ! Then thinking how many days after that to the end of the year ( This is to much to think) And after how many years after I go away and work and after... !!!! To much to think !

Well let's only think for today and we will see tomorrow... 

Daria (who wanna sleep)

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to turn on my alarm clock so I woke up 40 minutes late.
