Wednesday, March 18, 2015

yolo n tattoos

ayyyy froots here

so just watched that yolo vid and i think i dont have to say anything about it actually

its none of my business and now a days if u judge something, people come raining down on you with their thoughts and opinions...and i really dont feel like it

lol yeah yolo is just something similar to the bucket list...kind of

yolo is used as an excuse for ridiculous actions which i think is stupid af but also i think that its a phase most of us go through. dont deny it, you were a stupid teenager once. so stop getting mad at all the kids that are having a better early life than u are lol\\

but yeah i have no idea what to say yolo is yolo. i say oloy and ill let you figure out what that means

kthnksbye scrubs
ps tattoos r aamzing they are just another way to show who you are. some people have flowers on their clothes, some have them on their skin get oVER IT TATTOOS ARE MAJESTIC 

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