Wednesday, March 25, 2015

When you see a baby

When the baby poops.


Explosion of Cuteness

Here are some cute stuff for YOU !! >///<

Be prepared for the explosion of cuteness //

Not enough ?
Well it's all for today !! 

When. I. Write. Like. This. You. Pause. In. Your. Head.

Did you know that 5790164936856968686
You are so lazy you didn't read all of the number.

This is my substitute teacher today.
So guys, we are doing the wizard of oz auditions today
OK guyys i have to go.



I have been starring sat this page for several minutes and I'm kinda getting REALLY bored.
There's nothing i want to share with you because you readers do not exist. I would rather be eating my croissants then trying to figure out what to blog about. Since I sort of have to blog about something, I will give you a countdown of the funniest memes online that I could find.

Like you didn't get enough of those from me ! LOL
I guess I will start now...

                                                                 5. This meme is so true! #ALSicebucketchallenge

4. I mean they should realize that sometimes we can't get to places whether it's work or school!
Image result for hilarious memes 2015

3. I don't like it when it's winter!
Image result for hilarious memes 2015

2.For real lady gaga?! LOL
Image result for hilarious memes 2015 lady gaga dress

Image result for funniest meme baby

This probably seemed useless but I think after the first picture you didn't bother to read it so ...yeah...IM kinda writing to


This is my life. I am a rebel.
Rebel against life.
But, whatever you do, don't laugh at fat cops. They would rather shoot you than fill out paper work.


SO hi people of the internet. Since this is an awkward blog, I wanted to share with you the most awkward moments of anyone's life. Number 1 is the most awkward.

10. When you are stalking someone on Social Media, and you accidentally like a post from 6 years ago.

9. Singing with friends and saying the wrong lyric.

8. When its silent and you really need to cough/fart.

7. When you are taking your incredible selfies and someone walks into the room.

6. When your mom yells at you in front of your friends.

7. When you see someone from school you hate in public.

6. Elevator rides. I said it. Boom.

5. That awkward moment when you can't hear/understand someone so you just smile and hope it wasn't a question.

4.That awkward moment when you see people your own age making out in public, but YOU ARE STILL SINGLE.

3. When you accidentally make eye contact with someone.

2. When you think someone is waving at you, but they are waving at someone behind you. Admit it, you look just like this:

1. The awkward moment when you are still reading this blog.I mean, come on, stop reading. Thank you. Wait, for real?!?! This blog is about awkward things from awkward people. You will only make the situation worse by still reading. STOP.

And with that, since no one will be reading these last few sentences, I will say goodbye. Thank you, to the invisible reader reading. You have helped me unload my awkward experiences. Buenos Noches, Juan.

***And, if you are still reading. Congratulations, you rebel.***

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Today we watched a video about YOLO explaining what it is and the causes.

In the video there were many scenes of people (mostly teens and young adults) partying and being drunk and also tweets about their nights (driving drunk, partying and drugs etc.) I think that  the website showed an extreme side of YOLO that is not too common around the whole world. Yes there are many people who do that however normally when people say yolo everyday it is for the purpose of lets say : yolo I will eat two burgers and I don't care if I get fat or yolo its red but there are no cars. Little things like that. I get it that sometimes yolo can lead to bad things but in general it is a good motto for people to live by. You only live once. Personally I think yolo is okay as long as people don't go into extremes and using that as an excuse. Otherwise YOLO on people !

Image result for yolo

yolo n tattoos

ayyyy froots here

so just watched that yolo vid and i think i dont have to say anything about it actually

its none of my business and now a days if u judge something, people come raining down on you with their thoughts and opinions...and i really dont feel like it

lol yeah yolo is just something similar to the bucket list...kind of

yolo is used as an excuse for ridiculous actions which i think is stupid af but also i think that its a phase most of us go through. dont deny it, you were a stupid teenager once. so stop getting mad at all the kids that are having a better early life than u are lol\\

but yeah i have no idea what to say yolo is yolo. i say oloy and ill let you figure out what that means

kthnksbye scrubs
ps tattoos r aamzing they are just another way to show who you are. some people have flowers on their clothes, some have them on their skin get oVER IT TATTOOS ARE MAJESTIC 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The extraordinary life of Cain

I just watched a video and it was very interesting ! So here is the site web :

Try it ;D

Or if you don't wanna go, here is a resume : 
The video talks about a boy that lived with games in boxes of carton. One day he was discover by Nirvan Mullick  and decided to do a video with his life and the life of  Caine became famous ! Here is the extraordinary life of Cain :) Oh ! And the Global Day of Play is the October 6th !

My thought

We were watching these videos on how kids succeed on
It is all about younger kids succeeding in what they are interested in. And it talks about how they started and and slowly built up to achieving something.

The kids were totally inspirational but not really. I mean, it's great how they succeeded in things however whenever I look at something like this it just makes me think that you need to be in the right place and know the right people to be able to get things done. To me succeeding is all about where in the world you are and also being lucky enough to have money or know people connected to what you want to achieve. It was pretty interesting to see how young the children were and how they succeeded. Unfortunately for me this didn't really inspire me because I believe that things like that don't happen.

P.S. I hope you all realize that trying hard is important but most of the time it wont even matter.

Image result for the what was that face

Funny animals



 Résultat de recherche d'images pour "funny animals"


How I currently feel like today

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Image result for thursday memes
Image result for thursday memes

Fun Fact!

Fun Fact!

Angry camels like to spit at people.