Wednesday, April 15, 2015

My baby

My phone is my baby. Whenever it falls my heart stops. I can't stand to think that anything could happen to it. If there would ever be a train that is about to hit me, I would throw my phone away from the train just so it could survive. That's how much my phone means to me.

I check  my phone every day in the morning, middle of the day and evening. If I don't check my phone everyday, I get stressed. MY phone calms me down and it allows me to step out of reality life. If my phone was human I would follow it around all the time.

If someone ever takes my phone away I swear I  will have a panic attack. People don't understand how much phones mean to our generation. We are in the 21st century and things have changed. There is no more playing outside with a ball or skipping on a rope- none of that.

I hope that one day they will invent a phone that could have a human brain and feelings so that I can have someone always with me. We all need phones! How else would we see Kim Kardashian breaking the internet or Madonna kissing Drake? How would I text my friends? How would I check my Instagram and Facebook feed!? I- NEED-MY-PHONE!

Dear readers, please realize the importance of high tech cellular devices. If you come across me and try to take my phone there will be big consequences and you will wish you would have never taken my phone.
This is a warning and I hope you understand that no one should mess with my baby!

Adios from Nela and iPhone
Image result for ADDICTED TO PHONE

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