Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Cute and Cool Stuff

Hey ! Only 20 days before the end of the school year :)

To celebrate this here are some cool and cute stuff ^v^

What can a cat do on an transparent table ? 

This :

Thanks for watching 'v' !


Well her I am...writing a blog post.
So it is almost the end of the year-thank god- and I am so excited to finally get some sleep for the 2 months in my life. We spend about a quarter of our life in school doing nothing but I guess that just seems 'logical" for parents. Because I am so passionate about ending this school year I enjoy my days by making the best brownies that exist.

So I have run our of words because honestly there is not much to talk about but anyway down below I will post 10 memes about the torture of school and the ending.



Well that's all from me. Whoever is reading this do not expect any useful information from my posts.

hi i just had some good food and i am thankful to myselg and nela and also i am high lol :o)

thrse are the ones that we made but they turned out even better lol
also we took some hella artsy pictures and nela gave me lotsa blessings becaysre i took a good pic of her lol

aslo we jumpedded on trampolines and ytook selfies while being on hands also nela did a little workout on my balcon e \

so overall i htink that day was a success and i am happy thAT i have brownies for lunch lol :o)

lol :o)\

haha lol

lol nela jsur read this in a funny voice god bless